Sports Barrier Nets, Field Dividers & Screening

Why use a barrier net or divider for soccer goals, sports fields, tennis, baseball or backyard? How do they work and which do you need?

What do you do if you need to stop wayward balls or need to protect patrons, windows, cars or buildings from being hit? Or do you need to divide you field up for training? This is where a barrier net will fit perfectly.

    For a simple job, the barrier net comes in a range of styles to suit the needs of the player, club or coach. Used for different reasons, they are a useful tool and invaluable when safety is a concern. Used predominantly by clubs, they can be found behind goals to stop balls or field barriers. Useful when used next to football, hockey and baseball areas to stop stray balls, can also protect people, cars and windows from being hit.

    Soccer ball being kicked into a bownet barrier net

    The barrier net can also be an extended training tool for clubs or players kicking/hitting balls. Having a wall to smash a ball into regularly means you can strike away without having to chase the ball. The Bownet barriers are made to absorb the power of the ball and fall to the ground to be safely picked up for another hit. 

    Three large bownet barrier nets in a line, with bownet soccer goal in front

    A benefit to portable barriers is they can be used for events and training and then be easily taken down and stored. This means less cost and maintenance than fixed barrier nets.

    A solution for clubs needing to split sports areas for training, or when junior players need a smaller court is the tennis/soccer barrier net. A multi use product, a lot of facilities use this for use with junior programs or small sided games. For tennis it is handy to halve a tennis court for kids, and for soccer it is regularly used for technical skills or fencing kids soccer games.  Easy to move and safe way to add value to a sporting area. They can double as a crowd barrier.

    The largest of them is the Barrier Net, and this can be used in a lot of different ways. Apart from being a great net to stop wayward balls, it can split training areas up, create cricket or baseball nets and serve as a training net to kick or hit into. 

    Suggested barrier nets:

    Bownet tennis nets


    Reviews (2 comments)

    • SUMMIT Sport On

      Hi Rudi,

      Thanks for your enquiry.

      The largest barrier net we have is a Bownet portable barrier net which is 6.5m W by 3.5m H which costs $899. You can find more info here:

      SUMMIT Team

    • rudi daniel On

      Hey I’m after some indoor barrier netting that is around 10-15m long/wide, over 6m high and retractable so that I can put it away when need be.
      I’d like to know the price of the nets supplied only and also with installation.
      Please get back to me ASAP.
      Thank you.

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